
I am thrilled to be doing what I love: writing. I recently graduated from Hampshire College where I studied Creative Writing and Literature. I spent my final year working on my Division III project, "No More Lions and Lambs: Examining and Re-Writing the Vampire Romance Novel," which went on to become Vampires Don't Need an Invitation. I currently lives in small-town Eastern Massachusetts.

I enjoy cats, dragons, and magic. I'm doing my part to tell important and inclusive stories that also have magic and dragons. Girl power is a good start, but more than that is a better start. I love Strong Women, but I champion the Soft Boys. Apart from writing, I spend my days drawing, consuming media, and playing videogames - you know, all those alone-in-your-room hobbies perfect for hermits.

I am an Aquarius with both moon and rising signs in Virgo. I'm a cusper on about half of my MBTI types so I don't put much thought into that one. I'm a Slytherin, though I write mostly Hufflepuffs. I like salt and vinegar chips, pineapple on pizza, and love tea but hate coffee.

Cats (And Eventually Other Photos, Too)

Emily Poirier, Author